Sunday, March 21, 2010

This was written for my own sanity

I'm sure you've been holding your breath to hear what is going on. Okay...that's probably just me. But I thought I would keep the updates up. Well at least as much as I can. So where did I leave off? I left off that we got an offer. So we counter-offered and that was late Saturday night before that got done because realtors are crazy busy people on the weekends. So we will hopefully hear what they have to say on Monday (I'm guessing another counter-offer). And hopefully we will meet somewhere happily in the middle (but more to our side than theirs. heehee). The only thing is that it would be contingent on their house selling. I wasn't all that thrilled about that, but we are going to leave it on the market while their's tries to sell (and will therefore be open to other offers until they close) but apparently their house is getting a ton of interest and that's why they started looking. So we'll just have to wait and see what unfolds. I personally feel pretty good about it because I saw a robin redbreast bird in our front yard on the day we got their offer, and I'm pretending like that's a good sign (although I realized later that it's the bluebird that is apparently the good luck bird) but you know...I'll take what I can get.

Other than that, I think I should emphasize that we are not moving because John's job is in trouble (that we know of), or because we are in trouble, or anything like that. I know people have expressed concern, and I just want to reassure you that neither of those things is the case. But thank you for the concern nonetheless. Someday I will go into detail about why we feel that this is a good idea, but I just want for things to go through before throwing my grand theories out there. I'm a conservative you know.

Lastly, I would like to state that I have been thinking a lot about my blog lately (what else is new right? I'm so obsessive about things). Anyway, I've been thinking about how it has changed over the years, and how I have changed how I view my blog over the years. Somethings I like, other things I really don't like. One of my good friends just took her blog private with only family and a very few close friends allowed in to read her now occasional posts. It is something that I have also considered. Recently I had a falling out with a good friend of mine that left me very saddened. It was not over a blog thing, but was over a misunderstanding on facebook. That caused me to cease updating my own facebook status (for a good while) and only occasionally comment on friends' facebook pages. I am finding that I am re-evaluating the good that comes from facebook, blogs, and other things in my life. I often do. I'm not sure why I've had such a hard time with knowing what I want in regards to my blog lately, and I apologize to you that I agonize about it so much. But mostly I want you to know that I am aware that this blog has changed. I am aware that my way of writing has changed (based on who I thought might be reading), and those things bother me. I would like to go back to how simple it used to be, when I thought that only a few close friends from far away were reading and mostly family. So with that, I guess what I'm saying is...that I'm blog-moody and that I am leaning very closely to going back to my original blog, taking it private, and only letting family and a very very few close friends inside (that also live far away). Mostly likely I will not let people into the blog that live close by, as I feel that it has caused problems with people that live close by, and that really makes me sad.

Okay, that is my Sunday night long-windedness for the week. My Mom is probably leaving tomorrow and that also makes me sad. Maybe that is the cause of the blog-moodiness. It has been so nice having her close. It makes me even more determined to find our place back East. My Mom really is one of my favorite people to have around. She is a calming influence on my life and makes me feel that I am a smart capable person, even when I feel like things are falling down around my ears. Love you Mom.



  1. I love this blog--not moody, just thoughtful. Being close to your mom would be wonderful. I think she is a lot like grandpa, loves all, judges no one. I wish I lived close to her again, too, especially at this point in our lives, when all is a little calmer than before--I had lots of little ones that liked to attack you! You were always so kind to my girls--so like you to be kind. Good luck with the offer.

  2. Jen,
    I completely understand the tug-of-war with feelings towards facebook and blogging! I deleted my facebook and completely stayed away for about a year until some women in my ward wanted to get a hold of me for things through it, and I reluctantly went back on it. And I know what you mean with having to watch what you say on your blog. People can get offended at the silliest things and I always have to think twice about posting any kind of complaints because there might be someone out there who I will offend. It's a tricky thing!
    But on the lighter side, I got my camera (yea!!!!). If you guys aren't too busy and you haven't moved yet I would love to arrange a little get together so you can try and pass on some of your amazing gift to me. Just let me know! Jason is going to be gone the first week in April so that would be ideal for me.
    And we will keep our fingers crossed for you and selling your house. We wish you the best!

  3. We think Terry is on the train, homeward bound. That is enough for me for now.

    Having your mom visiting has to be a great thing for both of you! Enjoy the memories!

    love and hugs

  4. I understand too. I have deleted my FB account on a few occasions, but I missed seeing what my friends were up too (especially after moving and not knowing anyone in TN). And I have the same problems with my blog. I hated being private, so made a new blog. Either way, you will know what is best to do for you and your family!

  5. I'm crossing my fingers for you and your offer!!! My inlaws have had a hard time selling their house, the stress is just no fun. So I'm very happy for you!!! I love your blog. I love your blog and your thoughts. From what I've read I can't believe anyone could be offended!!! I hate it when one person ruins it for everyone. Keep being yourself and expressing yourself, because that's who we love!!!

  6. I know this blog thing has been hard for you, and I keep wondering what the problem is. It sounds like someone or some people have made your life miserable via blogging/life. Do you not like that your freshman friends are cheerfully checking in on you? Feel free to write me an email if you want to let me know gently that having me as a reader is a bad thing. I love your updates and I would be sad if you went private and decided I didn't qualify as a prospective reader. Sorry if I've offended you. It would have been COMPLETELY unintentional. It would be hard to be in your shoes and feel like you couldn't write honestly.

    For what it's worth, I view my blog as a family journal. I'm excited to be keeping such a detailed update of what's going on in my life so my family can enjoy looking back on all of this later on. For example, I looked today at posts from when Isaac was Lucy's age to see parallels between them and I loved it. This should be a treasured place for you, and if you think a lot of us are hindering you, you gotta do what you gotta do.

  7. Jenn, you know, I just have to say that out of everyone's blog I have ever stalked, yours is the most genuine and real. I, as a stalker, appreciate that:) I totally understand if you choose to go private, I admire that you even had the guts to do a blog in the first place. Unfortunately, when people get jealous or insecure, they say or do things that are not appropriate, especially online.

    I so get what your saying, that is probably why I never ended up doing a blog. Either way, regardless of which way you choose, I know you will do what is best for you and your family. I just feel so blessed that I met you and got to know you. You were a stabilizing force for me during many of my struggles, especially last year when I was dealing with my daughter and church issues. I just want you to know that I love and adore you, and understand and support whatever you need to do.

    (Can I just point out that this has to be the longest post I have ever made on any blogs?) I so hope you get the offer:) Love you babe!

  8. I love that you said 'robin redbreast bird'. Saying the whole name should be good for a little luck.

