Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Kind of People that I like

I like the kind of people who:

get both feet up on their grocery cart, push off, and then ride while their little kids squeal with glee.

the kind who occasionally forget the budget and buy themselves new expensive shampoo, just because they feel like they are worth it.

eat otter pops with wild abandon--disregarding the red juice dripping down their chin.

have said at least one curse word once in their lives, under their breath, when someone cuts them off in traffic.

let their kids watch t.v., feel guilty, and then play with those kids until they are all worn out.

the kind of folks who read books their whole life through. No matter how busy they are.

who can say they will NEVER do something...and then when they do and end up loving it, can broadcast it to the world (ahem mini-van converts like me!)

who laugh at themselves until they cry when they slip and fall in front of other people. Or all by themselves.

who aren't too paranoid to let their kids taste the cookie dough.

who let their kids put bandaids on fake owies.

who still enjoy a summer slurpee.

who cry with a friend when they are down. And then drive over with some chocolate.

who let their kids check out as many books from the library as they want. Even if it means scouring the house for 24 books that are due tomorrow.

I like those kind of people. To me, those are the real, d0wn-to-earth, five second rule when food drops on the floor, types. What kind of people do you like?


  1. I fit most of those...I'm not telling you which ones I don't. So I guess that's why we're friends.

  2. I like those kind of people, too! I am one of those people--cookie dough IS the treat, not the cookies, in my house, and as for the 5 second rule, well, if it is a peanut m&m, there is no time limit as far as I am concerned--it has the hard candy shell for a reason!

  3. I like all of those too. Those are the kind of people you hang on to.

  4. Well, I wouldn't put BOTH of my feet on a shopping cart because I am afraid to flip it over! However, I too now see benefits of a minivan although I really am going to wait to say I am a true convert. How about the people who get their kids crackers for breakfast so they can lay down with them a little longer? Or who let their kids make a complete mess and dont worry about cleaning up until just before daddy comes home?

  5. if the cart would not topple over and cry in pain I would do that all the time. Jenn I like people like you! Book Club was so much fun, I love the topics and laughing over silly things!

  6. I like people who can dance crazy and don't care how they look, and people who have those laughs that make you want to laugh. But, I also really like those people that know how to do their that totally dumb? I don't know how to do mine, never have, and I LOVE how people know how to do it. I totally remember that about you...good hair :)

