Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Real Scoopage

It's Sunday night and I am realizing that I like to sit down and think about my week in review and decide how my life is going in general. Does anyone else do that? I didn't realize I did it, but I like introspection in general, so I enjoy it and the blog is a great sounding board.

This past week has been interesting. That's really an understatement. It's been overwhelming, fun, nerve-wracking, full of adventure. I feel like I have run the gamut of feelings this week. I have felt the major stirrings of morning/afternoon/night sickness (oh joy) and been majorly affected by the humidity. I thought since I was a Maryland girl that it wouldn't be that much of an adjustment. Yeah right! It's been tough. It has slowed us all down. We all have taken long naps every single day since we've been here.

But it's been exciting too. We've enjoyed going to the pool. It's been fun learning about a new place and all of the local sites and history. We went to church today and talked to people about the area and Maddy loved the nursery ladies right away. We drove around a prospective "move-in" area and ate at a very shady Shoney's (do you remember that restaurant? It's not as good as you remember....).
(This is a picture of one of the houses we are considering. Very cute.)

And I have been out almost every day with our realtor. And then I come home and have panic attacks every night. :) Okay, not quite. But I am sure it is partly the pregnancy hormones that are messing with my emotions, but I have been having a hard time with knowing where is a safe place to take our family. Everyone has told us that the areas we are looking at are good areas with good schools (which they are, because I checked the websites about the schools, based on the good advice of several friends). But the good areas don't seem to be super separated from shady looking areas, and I think that is just part and parcel of living in a city (even though we are looking in the outskirts of the city). So that has taken some getting used to for sure.

Other things that I have noticed about the South so far? Sweet Tea must be the State drink, because every restaurant I go into, they ask me what I want by saying, "So ya'all want some sweet tea to start?" lol! People are SUPER nice. Everywhere. They are friendly and don't mind talking to strangers. I love this. They are polite. They say "Excuse me" when they might get in your way in the grocery store. I was raised this way and so I really appreciate it. People say "Yes Ma'am, and Yes Sir." In fact, it's required from the kids in school apparently.

What else? Smoking is still allowed in restaurants here. That shocked me. And everywhere you look there is tons of diversity. I forgot how lacking in this respect Utah was--it takes you aback at first. And this may sound weird, but people seem much happier in their jobs here. Well by that I mean the people working in grocery stores or Walmart or fast food etc. Back in Utah those people look like they wish you would shoot them and put them out of their misery. Here I have noticed that there is pride in what you do. It's kinda awesome. Oh, and at one super market they take your stuff our to your car and you are told you are not allowed to tip. I know they offer that at other grocery stores, but here it is expected that you will let them take your stuff out for you without asking.
A picture Maddy took of us while comandeering our camera.

Well those are just a few observations that I thought it would be fun to jot down while they are still novel to me. Overall it has been a good week. Even though I have been pretty sick and queasy, I am so grateful to be pregnant. I feel so blessed every time I feel sick because I pray that it means that this baby will stay. I still feel nervous and scared that things will happen. I think that small amount of fear keeps me from really thinking about the future and thinking about what it will be like to have a newborn again. I just don't want to set myself up for too much disappointment, which sounds crazy and probably is, but you know, that's how the mind works.
And even though I am anxious about finding a house so soon, I also know that is the right choice for us. I have considered just living here for a while and then figuring it out, but I feel like I want to bypass another tiny move and just trust that Heavenly Father will guide us to the place that we need to be at this point. I feel like we need to get settled and in place, especially with the baby coming. No more moving with a newborn (not a good idea if I haven't told you that enough). :)

So even though there are things that keep me popping the Tums at record-breaking speeds, I try to keep things in perspective (how unlike me eh?) lol. I know that every change has adjustments and I am trying to go slow and be patient. But that doesn't mean I don't miss my Utah friends and my sister. It doesn't mean that occasionally I don't question my sanity for doing this to our family. But things have a way of working themselves out. So then I take a chill pill with my Tums. It sees to be working so far.

(oh and people have asked me to post links to houses we are considering. I will do that once we narrow it down. Just cause I love ya).


  1. oh my! good luck! I'm sure that helped you to write it all down...but that kind of stressed me out :) I'm praying for you guys, and the baby, it'll all work out just right.

  2. Oh, I love that house! It is beautiful! And I LOVE the "yes sir" and "yes ma'am" - that was one of my very favorite things about the south; I've always wanted to instill that in my children, but don't think it would really work here. I drove past your house the other day - that will always be your house - made me a bit sad that I couldn't just drop in. But I'm glad you're doing well (mostly). Good luck house hunting!

  3. I'm loving these updates. That house is totally you. I can't wait to see what the lucky house is! :)

  4. ps. I just made some of your fabulous apple pie caramel apples, and my family LOVED them :) It was a for a big BBQ and everyone raved :) THanks again for posting that recipe. And feel free to figure out how to make fried ice cream for me :) LOVE YOU!

  5. Things are sounding great to me despite how you're feeling. It has all worked out like clock-worth this far so i'm sure the house thing will too.
    That house looks like the one on Father of the Bride. So cute!

  6. I love the house! You are right, things will work out according to the Lords plan. I am glad you arrived there safe and sound. I miss you terribly.

  7. Sounds like such a fun adventure!!!!

  8. I have to laugh, Mike still calls everyone either ma'am or sir. His whole family loves the sweet tea too! I am so happy for you - enjoy it all, the ups and the downs:)

