Friday, May 28, 2010

a bit overwhelmed, but it's okay

So today I am feeling overwhelmed. Actually I've felt that way for the past couple of days. It's funny because in my head I know that everything will be fine and just to be patient, but sometimes you just can't help it, ya know?

I'm mostly feeling overwhelmed by finding a house. It's hard to look for a house in a place that you have never lived before. I've tried to do lots of research and figure out the safe good areas. Our realtor has been super helpful with this as well, but I still feel unsettled. I like to know by my own experience that a place is good, do you know what I mean? So I'm just afraid to make a mistake.

Today is the last normal workday that John will be home as he starts work on Tuesday (after Monday's holiday), and so I am trying to squeeze in as much as possible so that I don't have to take Maddy along for too much house-hunting, because she is notoriously terrible at looking at houses. Which just means that she is notoriously two years old still and living up to her age (so I don't blame her at all).

So it's kinda useless for me to vent about it on here because it won't change anything, and I know things will work out, but I'm venting nevertheless. I think it's mostly because I have been feeling so blah and yucky and just off with being pregnant and all of the humidity that I am readjusting to, that I just want my own cozy things around me, and to get back into some sort of routine. It will come with time I know. But can you blame me for wanting my cozy bed and familiar things?? (please say that you don't blame me at all. I am apparently looking for sympathy here). :)


  1. Jenn You have all my sympathy plus some, it is hard to do anything with a 2 year old and looking for a house tops the list, and not having your bed I feel for ya! I spent Wed. night at the hospital wide awake the whole night craving my bed!
    Good luck and vent away!! I love you!

  2. I'll give you sympathy! That is so hard. Good luck. Have you guys thought about renting for a few months instead of buying right away? Then you can know for sure if the area is right for you before committing with a mortgage. Just a thought! Also, try contacting the local wards and talking to some of the members. They're usually super helpful with stuff like that.

  3. I don't blame you--I admire you. You have a lot on your plate right now. I was wondering what you were doing with maddie during house hunting trips. Are you trading off? I agree that you could contact a ward or better yet, a stake president--they could steer you towards an area good for your situation--young family, good elementary school, etc. You are in a hard spot right now--hang in there. I am praying for you to find a good home for your family.

  4. Ya have my sympathy. It is hard living without all of your cozy things, even if it is temporary, it doesn't make it easier.

  5. It is going to work out- I am sure of it!

