Sunday, April 18, 2010

You Know What I Want To Do?

I want to write about random useless stuff. Instead of life-changing stuff. But I will briefly update the major stuff. We were supposed to hear back from one company on Friday (the Georgia one) and didn't. We were supposed to hear back from Amazon if they would be able to speed up the process and fly John from Maryland to South Carolina and didn't. We are still waiting on the official itinerary from Booz Allen Hamilton. Our buyers asked if we could move our closing date up (gulp) to the 16th of May, because they got a good offer and need to be flexible on dates with their buyers. But other than that, no word if they are yet under contract.

Do you notice a pattern??? Me too. It's called WAITING. It's called being at everyone else's mercy, and feeling like we have no control over our life. And we hate it. It has put a damper on our weekend. It would be a lie to say it hadn't. But luckily the sun was out today, and we were able to get out in it for a bit, so that sure helped. But seriously, we can't pack because we have to keep showing the house (which we did yesterday). We can't make plans for when or where we are moving because we still don't know. I can't even have a garage sale yet because I want to sell some big stuff and the house would look weird without a few of my couches. So....we're just at a standstill, made worse by the fact that we know things are ABOUT to possibly happen. Aghhhh! Okay, I feel better. :)

Okay, that was longer of an update than I even wanted to type. Sorry. So can I just write some stupid meme about random stuff just for fun? You're too good to me. :) This is just one I made up.

I Like: a hoodie sweatshirt after I've been swimming
I Know: that things will work out somehow, someday
I Feel: a little tired
I Eat: fresh raspberries on vanilla ice cream. It's my treat of choice these past few days
I Worry: too much. Obviously.
I Laugh: at Maddy's antics. Or when she copies what I'm doing and I notice it belatedly.
I Crave: um, raspberries and ice cream lol! No, how about some call backs!
I Lose: lip glosses regularly. John lost his phone, but that's his meme.
I Obsess: about keeping my house picked up lately, but that's just because we are selling it.
I Care: about how my friends are doing. But I hate talking on the phone, so I feel like a bad friend because I don't call people or carry my phone around and pick it up. But I like texting!
I Wish: facebook never existed. It wastes my time, it lost me a friend, and yet I still like it. Something's wrong with me.
I Buy: Gain detergent. Because one of my friends is obsessed with it, and got me hooked.
I Sell: (or will sell) a few couches before we move. We have too many, and I'm kinda sick of them. Plus I don't want to move them. So I'll sell them and save up for a couch I like.
I Fantasize: about projects. About kitchens with white cabinets. About warm weather that involves swimming. About moving. About having another baby to snuggle. About snowcones from Maryland (snowballs as they call them). I like to daydream, can you tell?
I Never: mean to hurt people's feelings.
I Cook: quite often. Not necessarily all that well, but often. A for Effort.
I Sing: to Maddy to distract her. To myself in the shower--usually jazz or showtunes.
I Borrow: John's Ipod Touch to read books.
I Listen: to Maddy's stutter and feel helpless. But then I hear what she is saying and feel happy. It's kinda bittersweet lately.
I Snuggle: my Maddy, my John, my feather comforter.
I Stress: like I invented stress.
I Detox: never. But I should. I did get my hair done again (brunette it's good to be back) and it was so nice to have a few hours not able to do anything but sit and read magazines and get my scalp massaged.
I Smile: when John walks through the door.

there's my meme. Feel free to steal it. It was pretty fun. Happy Sunday everyone!


  1. Happy Sunday! Thank you for your love and support yesterday! You are a wonderful friend!

  2. Emilie Ahern is also obsessed with Gain. Maybe you're onto something?

  3. I hate waiting too -

    Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates calling people. Why can't everyone check their email as often as I do?

  4. Oh yea, I'm stealing this - thanks :) I love Gain too!

