Monday, April 26, 2010

Chick Flick Anyone?

So as we speak, John is in Maryland in his hotel room. And I am here, with my tiny girl hanging out watching DragonTales (I kinda hate this show). He will be back tomorrow evening, but I still miss him. I so look forward to when he gets home everyday. He usually comes home and Maddy climbs all over him in adoration for the next few hours, and I have a bit of a break to get things done or relax or play with them. Single momdom is not for me I tell ya. My Mom was a single mom for a while and heaven knows how she did it. I've always admired the moms that have to do it. And here I am sad after just one day. Does it count that I am at least aware of how pathetic I am? :)

So I guess I will make tonight a girl movie night. I'll catch up on all of my Masterpiece Theater movies, or check our streaming Netflix for a suitably girly movie. Anyone want to join me? I'll provide the popcorn, you bring the red vines. :)

(p.s. we're supposed to get our final addendum papers either tonight or tomorrow. But I'm not holding my breath because I feel like I've already been holding it for three weeks straight.) but I'm still hopeful.


  1. I would sooooo love to come watch chic flics with you tonight and wish I could. I am sorry you are alone. I don't think I could be a single mom either. I will call you soon to plan a girls night with you.

  2. Oh Darn it!! I wish I had read this sooner! Next time lady call me and we will rock the chick flix!

  3. I am the same way, totally pathetic when alone. A couple of my friends have husbands in the air force and I don't know how they do it. They're very strong, I'm a wimp. Hopefully you found someone to chick flick with you. I would've come :) But if I watch a chick flick alone, I go for sundaes, pile on the whip cream :)

  4. Amen. I'm also really pathetic when Shawn leaves. I go to my mom's house until he comes back if I can rig it.
    I, too, would be over there watching a chick flick if I lived closer! Not too much longer now!

  5. HaHa, I am so dumb. When I read your post title I read, "Chic-fila" and when I got to the end of the post , I was like, "what does that have to do with chik-fila?" Then I went back and read the title again. Maybe I am hungry?

    I hate it when my husband travels too.

  6. My husband is away on a fishing trip - AGAIN! (It's just a day trip, but still.) So while you're hoping John comes home with a job, I'm hoping Olen comes home with some fish. Hahahaha! Totally kidding. More fish around here is NOT what I'm hoping for. (Sorry, this is probably not funny at all, but I am cracking myself up.) Whoah...point is: I will hope for John to come home with a job instead. ;)

    And boy do I wish we could have a chick flick night and our girls could come too. But Dragon Tales is not an option.

