Sunday, April 25, 2010

All the Latest Mumbo Jumbo

A lot has been happening and will continue to happen in the Savage house lately. I seriously feel like this past week went by in a blur. This is probably due to the fact that this weekend went by really really fast. We posted a bunch of furniture on the local newspaper's website classifieds, and sold a bunch of furniture that we didn't want to take with us. Saturday was basically taken up with phone calls from people, people picking stuff up, and us helping them put stuff in their trucks. (and by us I mean mostly John and his manly muscles).

We also packed up our sewing room for the most part, and the huge storage room that is connected to it. We have already packed our under stairs storage previously. I also packed up some of Maddy's toys, and John packed up all of our videos. Our garage is slowly filling with boxes.

It's probably a good thing we did have some extra money, because we had to buy John some new suit pants (his others were torn and too small), and new suit pants are not cheap. We also had to get him some interview clothes for his interview with Amazon, as they ask you not to wear a suit to the interview. (kinda weird, but kinda cool). So we still wanted him to look nice but pretty casual. Unfortunately I realized that I don't buy John enough clothes that fit into that category, and his work pants were getting ratty too. I promise that I buy him clothes. He's just hard on them! So it was nice to have some extra money (while it lasted lol).

So John, in between moving stuff, has been studying, packing his suitcase, and getting really nervous about his interviews. Luckily the other stuff has kept his mind off of things for the most part (an unexpected benefit of selling stuff). I know he will do great, but I can understand his anxiety. I would be nervous to fly somewhere I didn't know and then have people analyze whether I'm smart or not. But luckily John is way smarter than I am, so I know he will do great. The only thing that is a little sad about his first interview (in Maryland on Tuesday) is that he will have to drive two hours from the airport. That seems kinda crazy to me. I forget that not everyone lives pretty close to an airport. Luckily a friend suggested he upgrade and reserve and pay for a GPS himself and so that has given John some piece of mind (thanks Lindy!). All I know is that I'm going to miss him like crazy this week. I don't like sleeping without him here, and I don't like not having something to look forward to at 5:30 every night when he comes home. Ah well, I'm very grateful that these companies are flying him out for interviews. Please keep him in your prayers, we would really appreciate it!

Okay well this has been a long post. Mostly I'm just thinking how moving is becoming more real. I'm realizing the amount of work that it takes to move again, and while it can be overwhelming, I'm really not panicking. We're just going slowly and taking it a room at a time. Mostly we are packing stuff that you can't see and that we don't use all that often. Mostly because we STILL haven't heard that the buyers have signed the papers for sure. Our realtor said that they agreed on a price with their buyers, and were just deciding on dates. So with that we are moving forward with the confidence that it's going to work out (is that crazy? probably, but I was going to sell stuff anyway).

So that's our latest word. What's your's?


  1. I am happy you were able to sell some stuff you needed to!
    Come and play this week, we will help keep your mind off things!
    Love ya!

  2. I want to start packing too, but realistically we won't be moving anywhere until the its probably a little early. :) But once I get moving in my head, I just want to do it!

  3. I don't think you're crazy, I think you're smart for packing up stuff a little early. It sounds like things are falling into place. We'll keep you guys in our prayers. :)

