Hi Friends.
First of all, you left some of the best comments possible. They made my whole week. Thank you all so very much.
Secondly, here is the link back to my old blog in case you erased it. Like I mentioned in the last post, I will only be posting from there now. And hopefully I will stop being so crazy about my blog stuff. I make no promises. :)
Thanks for following me all around and reading my ramblings.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I wouldn't blame you
if you skipped this post. It's a long one. Just warning you.
I was just looking through past blog entries and saw some pictures of Maddy as a brand new newborn. It took me back to those days when we had just moved, felt like our lives were in upheaval, and were completely sleep-deprived. Seems kinda familiar. :)
What I was mostly thinking is how young John and I look in those pictures. Was that only three years ago? Our baby is turning three in just a week. I know people always say that it goes by so fast, but I just had my first real dose of that reality.

It's crazy to think how much can change in just three years. We are buying our third house in three short years (that sounds so crazy...maybe because IT IS). We are having our third baby (I still count the baby that we lost). We are having to make completely new friends and go to a new ward for the third time. We've painted countless walls. We've moved countless furniture. And most of all, we have learned a lot about ourselves and others. When I think about all that we have been through in these past three years, it doesn't surprise me anymore that we look older. We have earned those wrinkles and extra pounds around the middle.

Today I kind of wish I could go back for just a moment. I wish I could go back and just enjoy some of the moments better. I wish I could be that girl who was discovering the magic of spray paint and the ability to decorate on the cheap. The girl who was clueless when it came to taking care of a baby. I was so naive, but it was kind of nice. I thought the best of people, and thought I could be friends with anyone.
These days I feel a little battle-worn and tempest-tossed. I have lost friends in dramatic ways (which never happened to me in high school funnily enough). I have worried over money. I have cried over lost babies, lost chances, hard times, and hard mistakes. I feel that I have fit a lot of heartache into a short amount of time.
But now I want to start fresh. Is there such a thing? I really mean it--is there? Not in the way I would really wish I guess. But I am going to try and let go of past hurts, past grievances, and try to move forward. I am going to apologize again to anyone out there I have hurt. I am going to say that I forgive those that have hurt me. I just want to begin again with a new version of the old me. The one that knows that I never mean anyone harm on purpose. I've failed, but I want to give myself permission to move past those mistakes and keep trying.
Sorry to get all self-analyzing and potentially sappy on you. Big changes equals big thoughts, didn't you know?
Time to move forward. Time to take my old blog off of private. I will no longer be updating this blog. I'm sorry to toss you guys all around. I had to do it this way for a while until I got my head in a better place. Also, I ask those that do not like me and would be tempted to leave unkind comments to please spend your efforts elsewhere. Thank you.
I was just looking through past blog entries and saw some pictures of Maddy as a brand new newborn. It took me back to those days when we had just moved, felt like our lives were in upheaval, and were completely sleep-deprived. Seems kinda familiar. :)
What I was mostly thinking is how young John and I look in those pictures. Was that only three years ago? Our baby is turning three in just a week. I know people always say that it goes by so fast, but I just had my first real dose of that reality.
It's crazy to think how much can change in just three years. We are buying our third house in three short years (that sounds so crazy...maybe because IT IS). We are having our third baby (I still count the baby that we lost). We are having to make completely new friends and go to a new ward for the third time. We've painted countless walls. We've moved countless furniture. And most of all, we have learned a lot about ourselves and others. When I think about all that we have been through in these past three years, it doesn't surprise me anymore that we look older. We have earned those wrinkles and extra pounds around the middle.
Today I kind of wish I could go back for just a moment. I wish I could go back and just enjoy some of the moments better. I wish I could be that girl who was discovering the magic of spray paint and the ability to decorate on the cheap. The girl who was clueless when it came to taking care of a baby. I was so naive, but it was kind of nice. I thought the best of people, and thought I could be friends with anyone.
These days I feel a little battle-worn and tempest-tossed. I have lost friends in dramatic ways (which never happened to me in high school funnily enough). I have worried over money. I have cried over lost babies, lost chances, hard times, and hard mistakes. I feel that I have fit a lot of heartache into a short amount of time.
But now I want to start fresh. Is there such a thing? I really mean it--is there? Not in the way I would really wish I guess. But I am going to try and let go of past hurts, past grievances, and try to move forward. I am going to apologize again to anyone out there I have hurt. I am going to say that I forgive those that have hurt me. I just want to begin again with a new version of the old me. The one that knows that I never mean anyone harm on purpose. I've failed, but I want to give myself permission to move past those mistakes and keep trying.
Sorry to get all self-analyzing and potentially sappy on you. Big changes equals big thoughts, didn't you know?
Time to move forward. Time to take my old blog off of private. I will no longer be updating this blog. I'm sorry to toss you guys all around. I had to do it this way for a while until I got my head in a better place. Also, I ask those that do not like me and would be tempted to leave unkind comments to please spend your efforts elsewhere. Thank you.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
We don't do easy at this house
The past few days have been interesting. You have no idea.
So I'll try to update things quickly. Remember how we had an offer one one house? And then they weren't really negotiating much and we found another house come on the market and John loved it and we put an offer on that one?
Well...then I had a horrible terrible feeling about the second house. I couldn't shake it. I felt literally sick about it. Then things started happening with the second house that was making me and John nervous. So one morning I woke up and told John that we had to back out of that house.
You can guess that no one was really thrilled with that idea. Well, except for me. :)
We thought we would lose our earnest money, but I knew it was the right choice. Anyway, we later found out that the builder graciously refunded our earnest money, the first house people took our offer, and we got much better rates. So now John is super happy about it too. :) You all know that I just can't do things the easy way, right? But it worked out for the best, no doubt about it.
Also, yesterday I had scheduled myself an appointment with a doctor because we finally got our insurance cards in the mail and I have been feeling pain in my abdomen for a while among other maladies. I got into the doctor, and after some pushing on different parts of my abdomen, she was alarmed enough to tell me that I had to go to the hospital outpatient center and get an emergency ultrasound.
Well that freaked me right out. I had Maddy with me, and John was at work and we only have one car. So I drove myself over to the hospital, and managed to call John when I got there in time to say, "honey I'm at the hospital for an emergency ultrasound. Oh, I've gotta go, they're taking me in."
Yeah, that went over like a ton of bricks. You can imagine that John was pretty worried. I was too. I had tears running down my face, and just felt like it was going to be another miscarriage and I just didn't know how I was going to face it all alone.
Eventually the lady doing the sonogram told me that the baby looked good, and that the heartbeat was nice and strong. She also told me that I was not as far along as I thought I was (I thought I was 12 weeks, but am apparently 10--due date is Jan. 7 of next year! Seems so far away). They also found a few other things that may have been causing the pain, but the doctor is still waiting to find out about the blood tests they took, and I am going to take some fasting tests on Monday to rule out a few more things. Hopefully they will get things figured out, because it has been a bit uncomfortable these past few days.
Okay so that's the long update. I am just looking forward to getting into our house with our own things. Hopefully we will close before the end of June.
Now, I need to get back to the marathon showing of Back to the Future on t.v. I have priorities people. :)
So I'll try to update things quickly. Remember how we had an offer one one house? And then they weren't really negotiating much and we found another house come on the market and John loved it and we put an offer on that one?
Well...then I had a horrible terrible feeling about the second house. I couldn't shake it. I felt literally sick about it. Then things started happening with the second house that was making me and John nervous. So one morning I woke up and told John that we had to back out of that house.
You can guess that no one was really thrilled with that idea. Well, except for me. :)
We thought we would lose our earnest money, but I knew it was the right choice. Anyway, we later found out that the builder graciously refunded our earnest money, the first house people took our offer, and we got much better rates. So now John is super happy about it too. :) You all know that I just can't do things the easy way, right? But it worked out for the best, no doubt about it.
Also, yesterday I had scheduled myself an appointment with a doctor because we finally got our insurance cards in the mail and I have been feeling pain in my abdomen for a while among other maladies. I got into the doctor, and after some pushing on different parts of my abdomen, she was alarmed enough to tell me that I had to go to the hospital outpatient center and get an emergency ultrasound.
Well that freaked me right out. I had Maddy with me, and John was at work and we only have one car. So I drove myself over to the hospital, and managed to call John when I got there in time to say, "honey I'm at the hospital for an emergency ultrasound. Oh, I've gotta go, they're taking me in."
Yeah, that went over like a ton of bricks. You can imagine that John was pretty worried. I was too. I had tears running down my face, and just felt like it was going to be another miscarriage and I just didn't know how I was going to face it all alone.
Eventually the lady doing the sonogram told me that the baby looked good, and that the heartbeat was nice and strong. She also told me that I was not as far along as I thought I was (I thought I was 12 weeks, but am apparently 10--due date is Jan. 7 of next year! Seems so far away). They also found a few other things that may have been causing the pain, but the doctor is still waiting to find out about the blood tests they took, and I am going to take some fasting tests on Monday to rule out a few more things. Hopefully they will get things figured out, because it has been a bit uncomfortable these past few days.
Okay so that's the long update. I am just looking forward to getting into our house with our own things. Hopefully we will close before the end of June.
Now, I need to get back to the marathon showing of Back to the Future on t.v. I have priorities people. :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
It Has Begun
Potty training that is.

I tried starting Maddy when she was much younger. You might remember my gleeful posts of how she was a potty training prodigy at age 12 months or something like that. And then I ate my every word because she became so ANTI potty that I had to back off for a good long while (and serves me right I'd say. I'm sure some of you knew it would happen, and you were so wise).
Anyway, I was ready to start trying again at our old house, but knew we would be moving and had heard that it was best to wait until after a major change.
So since we only have our one car and I am stranded in the apartment all day, I have been taking the time to train the toddler. It's getting embarassing to take a child that is already extremely tall for her age and try to change her diapers on a changing table meant for newborns in the Target bathrooms. I have gotten so many looks, and every time I wish I could just say, She's only two! (Even though she wears 4T and 5T clothes). Poor Maddy!

So anyway, it has begun. She did well today with just one accident while she was napping. Not sure how to stop that from happening really. Suggestions? This time I will not be bragging about my potty training prodigy. I'm just looking to not change two kids diapers at a time, that's my only goal. Prodigies are for suckers. Or at least for people who aren't cocky and brag about their extreme parenting awesomeness.
p.s. This book has helped a ton. It has stickers that she can put on her own pirate hat for every time she has some success. Gotta love the pirate potty jokes.

I tried starting Maddy when she was much younger. You might remember my gleeful posts of how she was a potty training prodigy at age 12 months or something like that. And then I ate my every word because she became so ANTI potty that I had to back off for a good long while (and serves me right I'd say. I'm sure some of you knew it would happen, and you were so wise).
Anyway, I was ready to start trying again at our old house, but knew we would be moving and had heard that it was best to wait until after a major change.
So since we only have our one car and I am stranded in the apartment all day, I have been taking the time to train the toddler. It's getting embarassing to take a child that is already extremely tall for her age and try to change her diapers on a changing table meant for newborns in the Target bathrooms. I have gotten so many looks, and every time I wish I could just say, She's only two! (Even though she wears 4T and 5T clothes). Poor Maddy!

So anyway, it has begun. She did well today with just one accident while she was napping. Not sure how to stop that from happening really. Suggestions? This time I will not be bragging about my potty training prodigy. I'm just looking to not change two kids diapers at a time, that's my only goal. Prodigies are for suckers. Or at least for people who aren't cocky and brag about their extreme parenting awesomeness.

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Completely Random
I'm sick of writing about major life changes. I just want to write about nothing important. So I was thinking about a bunch of new foods that I am currently obsessed with. Not sure if they are pregnancy things or just awesome no matter what, but they are good to me. (and honestly, not much sounds good these days).
1. We went to Taco Bell recently and I had the most delicious burrito from there that I've had in a while. It's called the Five Layer Burrito. I am sure it is terrible for you, but it tasted SO good.

2. Also at Taco Bell was the most tantalizingly tasty beverage I've had in a while as well! Who knew Taco Bell was on such a roll? (Or maybe I was just REALLY hungry??) Either way if you like sparkling drinks, you will love this one. The Cherry Limeade Sparkler. Yummm.

3. I saved the best for last. I'm not kidding you, you NEED to try these. I made my Mom promise me to try them. They are called Ciao Bella Key Lime Gelato Sqaures. Instead of using ice cream in the middle of the ice cream sandwich they use key lime flavored gelato, so it is extra creamy and delicious. The key lime is not overpowering, and it is sandwiched between soft graham cracker crust flavored squares that make you feel like you've died and gone to heaven. Oh my gosh, I could eat these all day. Try them. You'll thank me for life. (and apparently they have won a bunch of awards for these which I just found out while googling a picture. I'm not surprised at all).

What are some of your latest food obsessions? And did I make you hungry? yeah me too. I need a burrito stat.
1. We went to Taco Bell recently and I had the most delicious burrito from there that I've had in a while. It's called the Five Layer Burrito. I am sure it is terrible for you, but it tasted SO good.

2. Also at Taco Bell was the most tantalizingly tasty beverage I've had in a while as well! Who knew Taco Bell was on such a roll? (Or maybe I was just REALLY hungry??) Either way if you like sparkling drinks, you will love this one. The Cherry Limeade Sparkler. Yummm.

3. I saved the best for last. I'm not kidding you, you NEED to try these. I made my Mom promise me to try them. They are called Ciao Bella Key Lime Gelato Sqaures. Instead of using ice cream in the middle of the ice cream sandwich they use key lime flavored gelato, so it is extra creamy and delicious. The key lime is not overpowering, and it is sandwiched between soft graham cracker crust flavored squares that make you feel like you've died and gone to heaven. Oh my gosh, I could eat these all day. Try them. You'll thank me for life. (and apparently they have won a bunch of awards for these which I just found out while googling a picture. I'm not surprised at all).

What are some of your latest food obsessions? And did I make you hungry? yeah me too. I need a burrito stat.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The House (hopefully)
These are all cell phone pictures of the house we signed a contract to buy today. The owners of the other house we originally made an offer on were not negotiating much, and I had a tiny freak-out about the price. So we put them off and talked to our mortgage lady again. We had decided to move forward with the other house, when our realtor called us excitedly.
She asked me if I remembered the brand new house that we had walked through that was under contract? I said yes, because I had really liked the house, but the builders wouldn't have another like it for at least four months.
She told us that the buyers had fallen through at the last minute, and the house was now available to buy. The timing was kind of crazy. The house is bigger, newer, more energy efficient (good for those a/c bills), cheaper, and in a better school district. The builder was willing to basically give us the upgrades they had put into the house for the original buyer for free.
John had never seen the house because I figured it was useless since it was under contract. So we mosied our way up there to look at it, and funnily enough, John fell in love with it. I was very astounded by that alone because John literally has no opinion when it comes to houses except for the price usually. But he was a die-hard fan from the first moment, and so we decided to go for it after doing some research on the builder and neighborhood etc.
So that's the kind of crazy story of how we put two offers in on two houses within two days of each other. Whew. So here are some bad cell phone pics of the house because I know my Mom especially will want to see them.
Here's the outside. John likes the two balconies. I don't think I'll use either one because it's so blooming hot here, but we'll see. :)
The lady in pink is our realtor. The builder is actually going to extend this hardwood further into the hallway and to the left where the formal living and dining rooms are located for us.

Here are those rooms. They are right next to each other which is unusual, but I like that I'll have a formal dining room and a living room. Most houses here either had one or the other.
This is the main family room. Lots of windows.
The kitchen, which is open to the family room.
More kitchen shots.
The huge "bonus room." It's called a bonus room because the other buyers upgraded this area to be a room with a closet. It is seriously huge. I think we will use it as a playroom/office/catchall.
The upstairs laundry room. I'm excited that it's 1. upstairs, and 2. a room and not a closet with bifold doors. I can stash twelve loads of laundry in here and close the door and pretend like all is right with the world.
Here's the master. The balcony is out that door. All of the rooms are on the second floor. Also a favorite of John's? The air conditioner is a "dual zone" air conditioner, which means that you can do different temperatures for the upstairs and downstairs and save energy/money that way.
The master bath. A nice big tub just for me. :) Okay...I'll share.
The vanity in the master. The sinks are raised taller, which is good for tall folks like us.
Ok, that's the grand tour. Hope it doesn't seem like I'm braggy or anything. If anything I am tired to death of house-hunting. I was telling John that the show House Hunters makes it look way more fun than it actually is to look at houses. I feel tired and worn out by our lack of schedule, the long paper signings, the long days spent searching with a toddler in tow, and feeling generally sick all day. Not to whine or anything. :) But I am definitely glad to have a house picked that John loves (and I love) and hopefully there won't be any paperwork issues. And be sure to come visit, we have plenty of room.
She asked me if I remembered the brand new house that we had walked through that was under contract? I said yes, because I had really liked the house, but the builders wouldn't have another like it for at least four months.
She told us that the buyers had fallen through at the last minute, and the house was now available to buy. The timing was kind of crazy. The house is bigger, newer, more energy efficient (good for those a/c bills), cheaper, and in a better school district. The builder was willing to basically give us the upgrades they had put into the house for the original buyer for free.
John had never seen the house because I figured it was useless since it was under contract. So we mosied our way up there to look at it, and funnily enough, John fell in love with it. I was very astounded by that alone because John literally has no opinion when it comes to houses except for the price usually. But he was a die-hard fan from the first moment, and so we decided to go for it after doing some research on the builder and neighborhood etc.
So that's the kind of crazy story of how we put two offers in on two houses within two days of each other. Whew. So here are some bad cell phone pics of the house because I know my Mom especially will want to see them.

Here are those rooms. They are right next to each other which is unusual, but I like that I'll have a formal dining room and a living room. Most houses here either had one or the other.

Ok, that's the grand tour. Hope it doesn't seem like I'm braggy or anything. If anything I am tired to death of house-hunting. I was telling John that the show House Hunters makes it look way more fun than it actually is to look at houses. I feel tired and worn out by our lack of schedule, the long paper signings, the long days spent searching with a toddler in tow, and feeling generally sick all day. Not to whine or anything. :) But I am definitely glad to have a house picked that John loves (and I love) and hopefully there won't be any paperwork issues. And be sure to come visit, we have plenty of room.
Friday, June 4, 2010
So...long story super short, we are making an offer on a different house tomorrow. I'll explain more later. Kinda a funny story. But just thought you might like to know. I have no link to the house because it is a brand new house that the buyers fell through at the last second. Don't we have the craziest timing ever? I know.
p.s. Utah friends, you are missed!
p.s. Utah friends, you are missed!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Making an Offer
So we did it. We made an offer on a house tonight. I feel good about it. We might have slightly low-balled them, but hopefully not enough to be offensive. :) The house is cute. It's a newer house (only five years old I believe) so it's in good condition, although it perhaps doesn't have all the charm some older homes might have. It's four bedrooms (one for us, one for each kidlet, and one for guests/office/playroom). It's smallish and cozy-ish and felt like a good fit for us. Our last house was huge and we loved it, but it was also a lot of work. So we wanted to keep the house a bit more manageable, and if we need something bigger down the road we're okay with that.
Anyway, here is the link to the virtual tour. My brother told me it has really cheesy music that goes with it, so you might want to mute your computer like I did. :)
Hopefully we will hear something back soon. But hopefully the hunt is over (knock on wood). I love the neighborhood, it's super close to church, has good schools, good shopping (read: Target), and is surrounded by lovely trees. Oh and there's a neighborhood pool and playground. Can't complain about that.
Let me know what you think. Here's the link.
Anyway, here is the link to the virtual tour. My brother told me it has really cheesy music that goes with it, so you might want to mute your computer like I did. :)
Hopefully we will hear something back soon. But hopefully the hunt is over (knock on wood). I love the neighborhood, it's super close to church, has good schools, good shopping (read: Target), and is surrounded by lovely trees. Oh and there's a neighborhood pool and playground. Can't complain about that.
Let me know what you think. Here's the link.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The Real Scoopage
It's Sunday night and I am realizing that I like to sit down and think about my week in review and decide how my life is going in general. Does anyone else do that? I didn't realize I did it, but I like introspection in general, so I enjoy it and the blog is a great sounding board.
This past week has been interesting. That's really an understatement. It's been overwhelming, fun, nerve-wracking, full of adventure. I feel like I have run the gamut of feelings this week. I have felt the major stirrings of morning/afternoon/night sickness (oh joy) and been majorly affected by the humidity. I thought since I was a Maryland girl that it wouldn't be that much of an adjustment. Yeah right! It's been tough. It has slowed us all down. We all have taken long naps every single day since we've been here.

But it's been exciting too. We've enjoyed going to the pool. It's been fun learning about a new place and all of the local sites and history. We went to church today and talked to people about the area and Maddy loved the nursery ladies right away. We drove around a prospective "move-in" area and ate at a very shady Shoney's (do you remember that restaurant? It's not as good as you remember....).
And I have been out almost every day with our realtor. And then I come home and have panic attacks every night. :) Okay, not quite. But I am sure it is partly the pregnancy hormones that are messing with my emotions, but I have been having a hard time with knowing where is a safe place to take our family. Everyone has told us that the areas we are looking at are good areas with good schools (which they are, because I checked the websites about the schools, based on the good advice of several friends). But the good areas don't seem to be super separated from shady looking areas, and I think that is just part and parcel of living in a city (even though we are looking in the outskirts of the city). So that has taken some getting used to for sure.
Other things that I have noticed about the South so far? Sweet Tea must be the State drink, because every restaurant I go into, they ask me what I want by saying, "So ya'all want some sweet tea to start?" lol! People are SUPER nice. Everywhere. They are friendly and don't mind talking to strangers. I love this. They are polite. They say "Excuse me" when they might get in your way in the grocery store. I was raised this way and so I really appreciate it. People say "Yes Ma'am, and Yes Sir." In fact, it's required from the kids in school apparently.
What else? Smoking is still allowed in restaurants here. That shocked me. And everywhere you look there is tons of diversity. I forgot how lacking in this respect Utah was--it takes you aback at first. And this may sound weird, but people seem much happier in their jobs here. Well by that I mean the people working in grocery stores or Walmart or fast food etc. Back in Utah those people look like they wish you would shoot them and put them out of their misery. Here I have noticed that there is pride in what you do. It's kinda awesome. Oh, and at one super market they take your stuff our to your car and you are told you are not allowed to tip. I know they offer that at other grocery stores, but here it is expected that you will let them take your stuff out for you without asking.
Well those are just a few observations that I thought it would be fun to jot down while they are still novel to me. Overall it has been a good week. Even though I have been pretty sick and queasy, I am so grateful to be pregnant. I feel so blessed every time I feel sick because I pray that it means that this baby will stay. I still feel nervous and scared that things will happen. I think that small amount of fear keeps me from really thinking about the future and thinking about what it will be like to have a newborn again. I just don't want to set myself up for too much disappointment, which sounds crazy and probably is, but you know, that's how the mind works.
And even though I am anxious about finding a house so soon, I also know that is the right choice for us. I have considered just living here for a while and then figuring it out, but I feel like I want to bypass another tiny move and just trust that Heavenly Father will guide us to the place that we need to be at this point. I feel like we need to get settled and in place, especially with the baby coming. No more moving with a newborn (not a good idea if I haven't told you that enough). :)
So even though there are things that keep me popping the Tums at record-breaking speeds, I try to keep things in perspective (how unlike me eh?) lol. I know that every change has adjustments and I am trying to go slow and be patient. But that doesn't mean I don't miss my Utah friends and my sister. It doesn't mean that occasionally I don't question my sanity for doing this to our family. But things have a way of working themselves out. So then I take a chill pill with my Tums. It sees to be working so far.
(oh and people have asked me to post links to houses we are considering. I will do that once we narrow it down. Just cause I love ya).
This past week has been interesting. That's really an understatement. It's been overwhelming, fun, nerve-wracking, full of adventure. I feel like I have run the gamut of feelings this week. I have felt the major stirrings of morning/afternoon/night sickness (oh joy) and been majorly affected by the humidity. I thought since I was a Maryland girl that it wouldn't be that much of an adjustment. Yeah right! It's been tough. It has slowed us all down. We all have taken long naps every single day since we've been here.
But it's been exciting too. We've enjoyed going to the pool. It's been fun learning about a new place and all of the local sites and history. We went to church today and talked to people about the area and Maddy loved the nursery ladies right away. We drove around a prospective "move-in" area and ate at a very shady Shoney's (do you remember that restaurant? It's not as good as you remember....).
And I have been out almost every day with our realtor. And then I come home and have panic attacks every night. :) Okay, not quite. But I am sure it is partly the pregnancy hormones that are messing with my emotions, but I have been having a hard time with knowing where is a safe place to take our family. Everyone has told us that the areas we are looking at are good areas with good schools (which they are, because I checked the websites about the schools, based on the good advice of several friends). But the good areas don't seem to be super separated from shady looking areas, and I think that is just part and parcel of living in a city (even though we are looking in the outskirts of the city). So that has taken some getting used to for sure.
Other things that I have noticed about the South so far? Sweet Tea must be the State drink, because every restaurant I go into, they ask me what I want by saying, "So ya'all want some sweet tea to start?" lol! People are SUPER nice. Everywhere. They are friendly and don't mind talking to strangers. I love this. They are polite. They say "Excuse me" when they might get in your way in the grocery store. I was raised this way and so I really appreciate it. People say "Yes Ma'am, and Yes Sir." In fact, it's required from the kids in school apparently.
What else? Smoking is still allowed in restaurants here. That shocked me. And everywhere you look there is tons of diversity. I forgot how lacking in this respect Utah was--it takes you aback at first. And this may sound weird, but people seem much happier in their jobs here. Well by that I mean the people working in grocery stores or Walmart or fast food etc. Back in Utah those people look like they wish you would shoot them and put them out of their misery. Here I have noticed that there is pride in what you do. It's kinda awesome. Oh, and at one super market they take your stuff our to your car and you are told you are not allowed to tip. I know they offer that at other grocery stores, but here it is expected that you will let them take your stuff out for you without asking.
Well those are just a few observations that I thought it would be fun to jot down while they are still novel to me. Overall it has been a good week. Even though I have been pretty sick and queasy, I am so grateful to be pregnant. I feel so blessed every time I feel sick because I pray that it means that this baby will stay. I still feel nervous and scared that things will happen. I think that small amount of fear keeps me from really thinking about the future and thinking about what it will be like to have a newborn again. I just don't want to set myself up for too much disappointment, which sounds crazy and probably is, but you know, that's how the mind works.
And even though I am anxious about finding a house so soon, I also know that is the right choice for us. I have considered just living here for a while and then figuring it out, but I feel like I want to bypass another tiny move and just trust that Heavenly Father will guide us to the place that we need to be at this point. I feel like we need to get settled and in place, especially with the baby coming. No more moving with a newborn (not a good idea if I haven't told you that enough). :)
So even though there are things that keep me popping the Tums at record-breaking speeds, I try to keep things in perspective (how unlike me eh?) lol. I know that every change has adjustments and I am trying to go slow and be patient. But that doesn't mean I don't miss my Utah friends and my sister. It doesn't mean that occasionally I don't question my sanity for doing this to our family. But things have a way of working themselves out. So then I take a chill pill with my Tums. It sees to be working so far.
(oh and people have asked me to post links to houses we are considering. I will do that once we narrow it down. Just cause I love ya).
Friday, May 28, 2010
a bit overwhelmed, but it's okay
So today I am feeling overwhelmed. Actually I've felt that way for the past couple of days. It's funny because in my head I know that everything will be fine and just to be patient, but sometimes you just can't help it, ya know?
I'm mostly feeling overwhelmed by finding a house. It's hard to look for a house in a place that you have never lived before. I've tried to do lots of research and figure out the safe good areas. Our realtor has been super helpful with this as well, but I still feel unsettled. I like to know by my own experience that a place is good, do you know what I mean? So I'm just afraid to make a mistake.
Today is the last normal workday that John will be home as he starts work on Tuesday (after Monday's holiday), and so I am trying to squeeze in as much as possible so that I don't have to take Maddy along for too much house-hunting, because she is notoriously terrible at looking at houses. Which just means that she is notoriously two years old still and living up to her age (so I don't blame her at all).
So it's kinda useless for me to vent about it on here because it won't change anything, and I know things will work out, but I'm venting nevertheless. I think it's mostly because I have been feeling so blah and yucky and just off with being pregnant and all of the humidity that I am readjusting to, that I just want my own cozy things around me, and to get back into some sort of routine. It will come with time I know. But can you blame me for wanting my cozy bed and familiar things?? (please say that you don't blame me at all. I am apparently looking for sympathy here). :)
I'm mostly feeling overwhelmed by finding a house. It's hard to look for a house in a place that you have never lived before. I've tried to do lots of research and figure out the safe good areas. Our realtor has been super helpful with this as well, but I still feel unsettled. I like to know by my own experience that a place is good, do you know what I mean? So I'm just afraid to make a mistake.
Today is the last normal workday that John will be home as he starts work on Tuesday (after Monday's holiday), and so I am trying to squeeze in as much as possible so that I don't have to take Maddy along for too much house-hunting, because she is notoriously terrible at looking at houses. Which just means that she is notoriously two years old still and living up to her age (so I don't blame her at all).
So it's kinda useless for me to vent about it on here because it won't change anything, and I know things will work out, but I'm venting nevertheless. I think it's mostly because I have been feeling so blah and yucky and just off with being pregnant and all of the humidity that I am readjusting to, that I just want my own cozy things around me, and to get back into some sort of routine. It will come with time I know. But can you blame me for wanting my cozy bed and familiar things?? (please say that you don't blame me at all. I am apparently looking for sympathy here). :)
Monday, May 24, 2010
the house hunt begins
Today went to see houses. It was a pretty eventful trip. I saw a lot of the area we are looking at and learned a lot about Charleston in general. I'm pretty exhausted from the long day but just finished Lost, so I'm still awake.
I think we may have narrowed down the neighborhood that we want to live in, which feels kinda fast to me, but when I was there I had a really good feeling. I'm taking John back tomorrow with the realtor to see the top two contenders so far. It seems a little crazy to think that we may have found our future house on the first day. I kinda hate saying that because it seems to crazy to me, but I guess if it can happen with trying on wedding dresses (I ended up buying the first one I tried on and was told that was pretty common) then it can happen with houses. But I still feel like I want to look around some more just to be safe.
Anyway, this is another lame post. What can I say? I'm kinda lame these days. I've been feeling more nauseous and off these days, so I blame everything on the pregnancy. It's a great excuse to have, and I happen to think it's pretty legitimate as well. Once I get a doctor I will be sure to ask for some anti-nausea pills if I still feel bad by that point. Well that's about it. Any advice for house-hunting?
I think we may have narrowed down the neighborhood that we want to live in, which feels kinda fast to me, but when I was there I had a really good feeling. I'm taking John back tomorrow with the realtor to see the top two contenders so far. It seems a little crazy to think that we may have found our future house on the first day. I kinda hate saying that because it seems to crazy to me, but I guess if it can happen with trying on wedding dresses (I ended up buying the first one I tried on and was told that was pretty common) then it can happen with houses. But I still feel like I want to look around some more just to be safe.
Anyway, this is another lame post. What can I say? I'm kinda lame these days. I've been feeling more nauseous and off these days, so I blame everything on the pregnancy. It's a great excuse to have, and I happen to think it's pretty legitimate as well. Once I get a doctor I will be sure to ask for some anti-nausea pills if I still feel bad by that point. Well that's about it. Any advice for house-hunting?
Friday, May 21, 2010
The Post I Waited To Post (warning long post)
I've been saying for a while that I would write about why I felt like we needed to move. I never got around to it (and openly avoided it) because I wanted to make sure things were going to work out. I'm kind superstitious or something because I was afraid to jinx myself. Also, I didn't want to go on and on about how this whole moving thing was some fabulous idea only to have it go horribly wrong. Call me crazy.
But now we are in South Carolina. We are living in an apartment that Amazon has graciously supplied for us for the next month and a half. Our stuff was packed up and shipped for us, along with our van. We have a rental car outside, and our little family is nestled into our new living arrangements. We went swimming all together today. I went to Walmart and bought soap and garbage bags and food. We took long naps, watched mindless cable (because we had basic t.v. channels in Utah, so it's a treat to watch TLC and shows like The History of Weapons). We unpacked, and we called moms, and we kept looking at each other as if to say, Are we really here? Did we really make it? Is this really happening? And then grinning like we got away with something.
The long story short is that life was pretty hard a few months ago. Lots of mitigating circumstances. Some of them you know about--the miscarriage being a huge one. It threw me into a tailspin. A big one. I hear it does that to most people. But I wasn't ready for it at all. I don't know how you can be really. I think I have mentioned previously how the miscarriage all of the sudden changed my perspective about everything in my life. It was like changing lenses on a camera. Everything was in different focus and different color. I realized that NOTHING is permanent. There are no assurances that life will turn out the way that you are planning. Also, that meant that there is nothing keeping you in a position of unhappiness except for yourself (in some cases, not all obviously). But this caused me to consider my life. I loved our house, I had good friends, things were pretty good. But I felt somewhere deep down that things were not right. They were not the way they were supposed to be. I couldn't figure it out for the longest time. When the miscarriage happened, it felt even deeper.
Then one day, I was sitting somewhere, doing something, when I very literally felt a voice come into my head that said simply, and without fanfare, "You need to move."
That's all it said. Some people would call that crazy. I know I did at first. I ignored it and laughed about how crazy of an idea it was. Move? When we had just bought our house a year ago and the market is terrible to sell in? When the economy was in the pits and it is a blessing to even have a stable job?
And then after laughing I got REALLY scared. I got scared because I knew it was the right answer. I freaked out. I didn't want to move. I felt comfortable. Unhappy deep down, but comfortable. I fought it for a long time. So then I knew the best way to get rid of the idea. I thought I would mention it to John who I was sure would shoot it right down.
But you know how this story ends right? He didn't freak out. He listened. He agreed to put the house on the market just to "see what would happen." He agreed to look for jobs "just to see what was possible." Several weeks later the house was under contract. Several weeks after that he was flying out for job interviews. A day after that he had a job offer. And here we are, in a temporary apartment, cutting up fresh pineapple like we're tropical old-timers.
All I want to say is that sometimes things look amazing and easy and great from the outside. Sometimes it looks like things just magically fall into place. And while I will agree that that has most definitely happened to a degree, I would like to also point out the fact that we had to get ourselves onto that track before the race could begin. And it was beyond terrifying. And the trip to get out here yesterday? Horrible. :) Seriously it was.
But today, as I back floated in the pool and looked up to see a blue sky, and green trees all around, I felt peace. I know the struggle is not over. I know this is a bit of a honeymoon period with this new place and adventure. But I felt peace in that deep part of me that I haven't felt for a while. I couldn't stop myself from grinning today. The journey has been hard. But I am grinning like a crazy person.
So maybe it's sappy. But this is to my one or two friends out there that might be right in the middle of feeling something along these lines. I don't know who you are. But I want you to know that God is aware of you and what you are going through. The hard things you are passing through? They really are hard. They really are scary. There is no doubt about it at all. But I am here at the other side to tell you that they WILL work out. You will feel that peace again. Just listen. You'll hear it. It may take a while, but it will come.
Goodnight. :)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The Randominator Strikes Again
Okay, lots to say, and lots of pictures. Here we go.

So last week my wonderful friend Lindy and I went to her brother's book signing. He wrote a book called The Lonely Polygamist. So we headed out together, ate at Trio (one word, Yummm), and I took a bunch of embarrassing photos.
Here's her brother Brady during the reading. Also, I wasn't the only nerd taking pictures. So...okay, I'm still a nerd.
I told Lindy to smile. So she gave me this dapper grin. :)
I posed for my "I'm so literary" moment while waiting in line to get a signed copy of Brady's book.
Brother and sister saying howdy. Kind of cool especially because the book was dedicated to his siblings. I felt privileged to be with one of the dedicatees (I'm sure that's a word somewhere). He also very kindly signed my book and my friend Lori's book.
Then some friends were kind enough to throw me a going away bash. My favorite part besides the wonderful people?

The drinks! Lots of daiquiris and pomegranate martinis and margaritas. All mormon style of course, but I love some fancy virgin drinks. Lori was the queen of the drink making. I really really want a blender just like her's, it was awesome.
There were even tiny umbrellas. Did I mention that I have the most awesome friends?
Here I am with the flattering hold-the-camera-with-my-own-hand shot with Kristen.
Haven and Jessica enjoying the umbrellas.

Yes, that's my "silly shot" face. I call it more "scary face."
Jackie looking really interested or surprised.

Am I jumping around too much for ya? Good. That's kinda what my life is like right now lol. This is the breakfast in bed that John made for me on mother's day. The best part? The french toast was made out of Kneaders cinnamon bread (just like theirs is) and it was DELICIOUS. Seriously. So good. Notice the cute flower and lovely goblet....and tub of butter. I love my husband--he knows me so well lol.
This is a picture of a $1000 Pottery Barn bed that I was obsessed with. I love how the footboard curves at the edge, and I love the scrolly legs and tall headboard. I just love the vintage classic feel of the whole thing. Here in Utah there's a Pottery Barn "outlet" (though it goes by a different name, like downhome outfitters or something). I saw this bed but in creamy white and fell in love hard. The sad part? It was half off, and therefore still 500 bucks. I wanted it sooo bad, but didn't feel right spending that much on a bed. I just resigned myself to never finding one because it was so unique.
Enter KSL (a local version of craigslist). I saw a headboard and footboard for way cheaper than the pottery barn version (even marked half off). I called on it and got it!
See the lovely curved edges? The only sad part? It was caked in black paint (and poorly painted at that). But I was told it was an antique, so I decided to strip the paint. That took FOREVER. I spent hours stripping off the old black sludgey paint and then giving it a once over with mineral spirits to get the remaining sludge off. By then I discovered that it was indeed an antique and made of real (and beautiful wood). I thought about keeping it, but it still looked a little rough from the black paint. Besides, I had a vision.
And so the last couple days have been spent giving this baby three coats of paint and primer. No spray painting for this lovely.
Here's the headboard. Both pieces have scrolly work (you'll see a picture below). So pretty!
I swoon every time over those turned edges and the cute feet.
Here's some of the scrollys I was talking about!
I love it so much. It is a full size bed, so we did have to find a mattress (ksl to the rescue again!). And now I am dreaming about the new bedding I'm going to get Maddy (although I am sad because my Mom just made me the cute umbrella bedding. But I couldn't pass this bed up. And we wanted a bigger bed in her room so we could lay down with her and read her stories at night).
Anyway, here are some that I'm considering. Tell me which one you like.
I like the quilty feel of this one. I think it would make the bed look less princessy, which could be a good thing.
This is from Land of Nod and comes in pink, green, lavender, and this pretty blue.
(That's a picture of it on a bed in pink).
And lastly, the shabby chic princess bedding of all bedding. It's a smocked duvet and would look right at home on the princess nature of the bed.
I'm just not sure which direction I want to go yet. I know...I'm obsessed with beds and bedding. It's my favorite thing to decorate in a house, what can I say.
Okay, so this has been another hodge podge post, brought to you by a scattered-moving-in-less-than-a-week mind. Goodnight!
So last week my wonderful friend Lindy and I went to her brother's book signing. He wrote a book called The Lonely Polygamist. So we headed out together, ate at Trio (one word, Yummm), and I took a bunch of embarrassing photos.
The drinks! Lots of daiquiris and pomegranate martinis and margaritas. All mormon style of course, but I love some fancy virgin drinks. Lori was the queen of the drink making. I really really want a blender just like her's, it was awesome.
Yes, that's my "silly shot" face. I call it more "scary face."

Am I jumping around too much for ya? Good. That's kinda what my life is like right now lol. This is the breakfast in bed that John made for me on mother's day. The best part? The french toast was made out of Kneaders cinnamon bread (just like theirs is) and it was DELICIOUS. Seriously. So good. Notice the cute flower and lovely goblet....and tub of butter. I love my husband--he knows me so well lol.

Anyway, here are some that I'm considering. Tell me which one you like.

I'm just not sure which direction I want to go yet. I know...I'm obsessed with beds and bedding. It's my favorite thing to decorate in a house, what can I say.
Okay, so this has been another hodge podge post, brought to you by a scattered-moving-in-less-than-a-week mind. Goodnight!
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