Saturday, June 12, 2010

We don't do easy at this house

The past few days have been interesting. You have no idea.

So I'll try to update things quickly. Remember how we had an offer one one house? And then they weren't really negotiating much and we found another house come on the market and John loved it and we put an offer on that one?

Well...then I had a horrible terrible feeling about the second house. I couldn't shake it. I felt literally sick about it. Then things started happening with the second house that was making me and John nervous. So one morning I woke up and told John that we had to back out of that house.

You can guess that no one was really thrilled with that idea. Well, except for me. :)

We thought we would lose our earnest money, but I knew it was the right choice. Anyway, we later found out that the builder graciously refunded our earnest money, the first house people took our offer, and we got much better rates. So now John is super happy about it too. :) You all know that I just can't do things the easy way, right? But it worked out for the best, no doubt about it.

Also, yesterday I had scheduled myself an appointment with a doctor because we finally got our insurance cards in the mail and I have been feeling pain in my abdomen for a while among other maladies. I got into the doctor, and after some pushing on different parts of my abdomen, she was alarmed enough to tell me that I had to go to the hospital outpatient center and get an emergency ultrasound.

Well that freaked me right out. I had Maddy with me, and John was at work and we only have one car. So I drove myself over to the hospital, and managed to call John when I got there in time to say, "honey I'm at the hospital for an emergency ultrasound. Oh, I've gotta go, they're taking me in."

Yeah, that went over like a ton of bricks. You can imagine that John was pretty worried. I was too. I had tears running down my face, and just felt like it was going to be another miscarriage and I just didn't know how I was going to face it all alone.

Eventually the lady doing the sonogram told me that the baby looked good, and that the heartbeat was nice and strong. She also told me that I was not as far along as I thought I was (I thought I was 12 weeks, but am apparently 10--due date is Jan. 7 of next year! Seems so far away). They also found a few other things that may have been causing the pain, but the doctor is still waiting to find out about the blood tests they took, and I am going to take some fasting tests on Monday to rule out a few more things. Hopefully they will get things figured out, because it has been a bit uncomfortable these past few days.

Okay so that's the long update. I am just looking forward to getting into our house with our own things. Hopefully we will close before the end of June.

Now, I need to get back to the marathon showing of Back to the Future on t.v. I have priorities people. :)


  1. Whoa! Yeah, you don't do easy. I'm SO glad things are ok with the baby, but keep us updated on you. I hope they figure out what's causing the pain.
    Well, that's sure exciting about the house! That first one was my favorite anyway with the neighborhood pool and all. :)

  2. I am so happy your alright and the baby is healthy!
    Houses seem to just always work out for you guys! can you pass a little of that my way, I am starting to feel like I live in the ghetto!
    I love and miss you!

  3. what a blessing that the baby is ok. I hope that all is well with you too and that what ever is causing the pain will be something minor. I love you and miss you.

  4. You gave me quite a scare while I was reading your post- I'm so glad that the baby looks good and healthy! I hope that whatever is causing the pain isn't too much of an issue and that the rest of your pregnancy goes smooth as butter. Congrats on the house too- way to trust your feelings.

